Category: Great Britain


Disgusting decision: Judge lets Muslim child rapist go free because he is “naive and immature”.

A Muslim man who raped a 13-year-old girl he had approached on Facebook has been spared a jail sentence after a judge heard he attended an Islamic faith school where he was taught that women are worthless. Adil Rashid, 18, claimed he did not realise it was illegal to have sex with the girl because he was unaware of British laws due to his education. Yesterday, Judge Michael Stokes sentenced...


HERstory and not History? What is wrong with you?

Sometimes there are days when you don’t want to get up. You want to pull the covers over your head and just forget about the day. I often feel that way when I find stupid things like this on the net and sometimes wonder why the parents of the person in question didn’t just take a condom. The world would have been spared some suffering and gross mischief. There are...

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